Dr. Deivison Mendes Faustino
- Bachelor of Social Science – sociology 2001-2005 (Faculty of Philosophy and Literature University Center Fundação Santo André – CUFSA – Santo André)
- Master of Health Sciences 2009-2010 Medical School of ABC – FMABC; Thesis:Sensitivities and potentialities of the black movement of ABC Paulista to the thematic health of the black population – Advisor:PhD. Marco Akerman
- PhD. In Sociology 2012-2015 – Graduate Program in Sociology – Federal University of São Carlos. Thesis:Why Fanon, why now?: Frantz Fanon and fanonisms in Brazil; Advisor:Phd. Valter R. Silvério
- Visiting Scholars – 2014-2015, Department of Philosophy – University of Connecicut, Uconn – US Research:Why Fanon, why now?: Frantz Fanon and fanonisms in Us – Advisor: PhD. Lewis R. Gordon
- Postdoctorate 2020-2021 Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology – Institute of PsychologyUniversity of São Paulo, Thesis: La clinique fanonienne face à la souffrance psychique en contextes coloniaux. Advisor:Miriam Debieux Rosa.
Federal University of São Paulo Since 2016
University of São Paulo – Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology – Institute of Psychology 2020-2021
- Occupation: Invited Professor
Federal University of São Carlos 2012-2015
- Occupation: Substitute Professor
Faculty of São Bernardo 2009 – 2013
- Occupation: Effective Professor of General History of Africa and Education for ethnic-racial relations
Santo André City Hall (São Paulo – Br)
- Occupation:
- Coordinator of STD prevention projects (Center for the Prevention of STD-AIDS? Municipal AIDS Program of the Municipality of Santo André)
Educational Action – NGO
- Occupation:
- Teacher (trainer) and consultant in the project “A cor da Cultura” (2010)
- Community Articulator in the Project “CENAFOCO – National Center for Community Training”: Low-income youth. (2000-2002)
Education and Health Center (NGO) 2001-2004
- Occupation:
- Teacher (trainer): Worked on STD / AIDS prevention projects in specific populations
Movement for the Defense of the Rights of the Favelado (NGO) 2000
- Occupation:
- Teacher (trainer): Art-educator (taught rap to young people in socially vulnerable situations)
- Faustino, Deivison. and Oliveira, Leila Maria de. Xeno-racism or racialized xenophobia? Problematizing selective hospitality to foreigners in Brazil. REMHU, Rev. Interdiscip. Mobil. Hum. 29 (63) • Sep-Dec 2021. Available from: https://www.scielo.br/j/remhu/a/WhQNMSS8L6RsKwVWkfR68tg/abstract/?lang=pt
- Góes, Weber, e Faustino, Deivison. (En).Capitalism and racism in the Longe Durée: an analysis pf their reflexive determinations. Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy. FEb. 2022 Available from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/22779760211073683
- Frantz Fanon and the Creolization of Hegel: Colonialism, the Interdiction of Dialectics and Emancipation in Debate. The CLR James Journal. (2021). https://doi.org/10.5840/clrjames2021121489
- Rosa, M. Faustino, D. et. all. (2021 – Pt e Fr) Why peace? globalization, colonialism and violence. in: Violences et Psychanalyse: actualités entre savoirs. Collectif International Amarrages – Psychanalyse et politique avec les jeunes.
- Faustino D.M. (2021 – Pt) The “interdiction of recognition” in Frantz Fanon:colonial denial, the Hegelian dialectic and the Calibanized appropriation of western canons. Revista de filosofia Aurora. v. 33. n. 59. pp. 455-481. available from: https://periodicos.pucpr.br/aurora/article/view/28065
- Faustino D.M. (2021 – En) The Wretched by Covid-19 and the colonial faces of Black Genocide in Brazil. in: Fanon Today: Reason and revolt of the Wretched of Earth. Quebec. Daraja Press. 2021. available from: Fanon Today: Reason and revolt of the Wretched of Earth
- Faustino D.M. (2021 – En)[1] The Wretched of COVID-19 in Brazil: Colonial Spectres of an Announced Crisis. Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy. 2021;10(1):173-183. Available from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/22779760211003531
- Faustino, D. M. (2021) Far beyond discourse: the relationship between colonialism, capitalism and racism in Frantz Fanon’s thought. in: Marxism21. racismo, etnia e luta de classes no debate marxista. Marxismo 21. Avalilable from: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cqtIV-2ZmRgTahexQ2WYbv-cavLZwT1J/view
- Faustino, D. (2021). for a critique of identity (white). in: A psicanálise em elipce de colonial. available from: https://www.n-1edicoes.org/a-psicanalise-em-elipse-decolonial
- FAUSTINO, D. (2020 – Pt.) Revisiting Frantz Fanon’s Reception: Brazilian Black Activism And Transnational Dialogues Around Blackness. Lua Nova [online]. 2020, n.109 [cited 2021-05-09], pp.303-331. Available from: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-64452020000100303&lng=en&nrm=iso .
- FAUSTINO, D.M. et. all. (2020 – Pt) The current sanitary and health crisis caused by the advance of COVID-19 and the situation of the prison population. / Nota Técnica. São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2020 (Relatório). Available from: https://repositorio.unifesp.br/handle/11600/53369
- FAUSTINO, D.M. (2020 – Sp) The masks of racialization and the dispute surrounding Frantz Fanon in the English and Portuguese-language literatures.. Argentina: Intervención y Coyuntura, 2020 (Artigo). Available from: https://intervencionycoyuntura.org/las-mascaras-de-la-racializacion-y-la-disputa-entorno-a-frantz-fanon-en-las-literaturas-de-lengua-inglesa-y-portuguesa/
- ORAKA, Claudia Simões; FAUSTINO, D. et al. (2020 – En) Race and obesity in the black female population: a scoping review. Saude soc. [online]. 2020, vol.29, n.3, e191003. Available from: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-12902020000300318&lng=en&nrm=iso .
- FAUSTINO, D. M. ; DE OLIVEIRA, maria clara. (2020 – Pt) Frantz fanon and the white masks of mental health: subsidies for a psychosocial approach Psicossocial. Revista da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores/as Negros/as (ABPN), [S.l.], v. 12, n. Ed. Especi, p. 6-26, out. 2020. ISSN 2177-2770. Available from::https://abpnrevista.org.br/index.php/site/article/view/1110 .
- FAUSTINO, D. M. (2020 – Pt.). Sartre, Fanon and the Dialectic Of Blackness: Open and Still Relevant Dialogues:. EntreLetras, 11(2), 74 – 101. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2179-3948.2020v11n2p74
- FAUSTINO, D. M. (2020 – Pt) Notes on sociogeny, racism and psychosocial suffering in the thinking of Frantz Fanon. Revista Eletrônica Interações sociais, v. 4, p. 10-21, 2020. Available from: https://periodicos.furg.br/reis/article/view/12211
- GONÇALVES, R.C. (2020 – Pt). The New Pandemic and the Old Colonial, Patriarchal and Racial Relations of Brazilian Capitalism . Luas Sociais, v. 24, p. 275-289, 2020.
- SANTANA, Rebecca Alethéia Ribeiro, FAUSTINO, D. M. et al. (2019 – En) Racial equity and education of ethnic-racial relations in Health Care courses. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2019, vol.23 [citado 2021-05-09], e170039. Disponível em: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1414-32832019000100208&lng=pt&nrm=iso .
- FAUSTINO, D. M. (2018 – Pt.) Frantz Fanon: capitalism, racism and the sociogenesis of colonialism. SER Social, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 42, p. 148–163, 2018. DOI: 10.26512/ser_social.v20i42.14288. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/SER_Social/article/view/14288
- FAUSTINO, D. M. (2018 – En) Introductory Notes on ‘Africana Philosophy’ and Lewis Gordon’s Postcolonial Humanism. EntreLetras (Online), v. 9, p. 46-65, 2018. Available from: https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/entreletras/article/view/5652/13665
- FAUSTINO, D. M. (2017 – En) . The universalization of rights and the promotion of equity: the case of the health of the black population. Ciênc. saúde coletiva [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.12 [cited 2021-05-09], pp.3831-3840. Available from: https://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1413-81232017021203831&script=sci_abstract
- FAUSTINO, D. M.; RIBEIRO, A. A. M.. (2017 – Pt.) Black theme, black life, black drama: studies of black masculinities in the diaspora. REVISTA TRANSVERSOS, v. 10, p. 163-182, 2017. Available from: https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/transversos/article/view/29392
- FAUSTINO, D.M. (2015 – Pt) What did Fanon say, anyway? Lewis Gordon and the defense of a Fanonian approach Plural (São Paulo. Online), v. 22, p. 247-253, 2015. Available from: https://www.revistas.usp.br/plural/article/view/112459
- FAUSTINO, D.M., (2015 – Pt). Praxis and political and social awareness in Frantz Fanon. Lutas Sociais (PUCSP), v. 19, p. 158-173, 2015. Available from: https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/ls/article/view/25764
- FAUSTINO, D. M. (2013 – Pt). Is the emotion black and the reason is Hellenic? Fanonian considerations on the (de) universalization of black people. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade (Online), v. 1, p. 121-136, 2013. Available from: https://periodicos.utfpr.edu.br/rts/article/view/2629
- FAUSTINO, D.M. (2012 – Pt.) Mass incarceration and the racial aspects of class exploitation in Brazil. PUCviva Revista, v. 39, p. 14-25, 2012. Available from: https://www.kilombagem.net.br/semcategoria/o-encarceramento-em-massa-e-os-aspectos-raciais-da-exploracao-de-classe-no-brasil-deivison-nkosi/
- FAUSTINO, D.M.; SPIASSI, A. L. (2010 – Pt). Black movement, vulnerability and health. BIS. Boletim do Instituto de Saúde (Impresso), v. 12, p. 162-166, 2010. Avalilable from: http://periodicos.ses.sp.bvs.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1518-18122010000200010&lng=pt&nrm=isso
- SPIASSI, A.L.; FAUSTINO, D.M. et. all (2010 – Pt) O Movimento Negro do ABC Paulista: diálogos sobre a prevenção das DST/aids. Saúde e Sociedade (USP. Impresso)
, v. 19, p. 121-133, 2010. Available from: https://www.scielo.br/pdf/sausoc/v19s2/12.pdf
- FAUTINO, D. e Lippold. Walter. (2022) O colonialismo digital: por uma crítica hacker-fanoniana. São Paulo: CiênciasRevolucionárias. (Digital colonialism: towards a hacker-fanonian critique.)
- FAUSTINO, D. (2022). Frantz Fanon e as encruzilhadas: teoria política e subjetividade. São Paulo: Ubu. (Frantz Fanon and the crossroads: political theory and subjectivity.)
- FAUSTINO, D.F. (2020) A disputa em torno de Frantz Fanon: a teoria e a política dos fanonismos contemporâneos.(The dispute over Frantz Fanon: the theory and politics of contemporary fanonisms.) 1. ed. São Paulo: Intermeios,. v. 1. 299p .
- FAUSTINO et. all. (2019) Interfaces do Genocídio no Brasil: raça, gênero e classe (Genocide interfaces in Brazil: race, gender and class.). 25. ed. São Paulo: Instituto de Saúde,. Temas em Saúde coletiva v. 1. 496p .
- FAUSTINO, D.F. (2018) Frantz Fanon: um revolucionário, particularmente negro. (FrantzFanon: a revolutionary, particularly black) 1. ed. São Paulo: Ciclo Contínuo, v. 1. 144p .
- SPIASSI, A.L.; FAUSTINO, D.M..(2008). Saúde da População Negra no ABC: Diálogos com o movimento social a partir da prevenção das DST/Aids (Health of the Black Population in ABC: Dialogues with the social movement based on the prevention of STD / AIDS.). Santo André: Mídia Alternativa/CESCO, 2008.
- FAUSTINO. D. Sobre o racismo (About racism). [PREFÁCIO] BARROS, D. Racismo, 2021
- FAUSTINO, D. Prefácio à Edição Brasileira (Preface to the Brazilian Edition: Toward the African revolution ), [PREFÁCIO] FANON, Frantz. Por uma revolução africana: textos políticos. Rio de Janeiro, 2021
- FAUSTINO, D. A fala e colonialismo (Speech and colonialism). [PREFÁCIO] Epistemologias e metodologias negras, descoloniais e antirracistas. Porto Alegre, 2020
- FAUSTINO, D. Posfácio à Edição brasileira (Afterword to the Brazilian Edition Black skin, white masks). [POSFÁCIO] FANON, F. Pele negra, máscaras brancas. São Paulo, 2020.
- FAUSTINO, D. A educação como dança de capoeira (Education as a capoeira dance). [PREFÁCIO] ROSA, A. Pedagoginga, autonomia e mocambagem,. Rio de Janeiro, 2019.
- FAUSTINO, D. Masculinidades negras (Black masculinities). [PREFÁCIO] Diálogos Contemporâneos sobre Homens Negros e masculinidades. São Paulo, 2019
- FAUSTINO, D. Sobre a violência e a subjetividade (On violence and subjectivity.). [PREFÁCIO] Violência e sociedade: o racismo como estruturante da sociedade e da subjetividade do povo brasileiro. São Paulo, 2018.
- FAUSTINO, D. Racismo e Eugenia (Racism and Eugenia), [PREFÁCIO] GÓES, W.L.; Racismo eugenia no pensamento conservador brasileiro: a proposta de povo em Renato Khel. São Paulo, 2018
- FAUSTINO, D.M.. (2020) Frantz Fanon e a saúde mental brasileira diante do racismo (Frantz Fanon and Brazilian mental health in the face of racism). In: Patrícia Carlos Magno; Rachel Gouveia Passos. (Org.). Direitos Humanos, Saúde Mental e Racismo: Diálogos a partir do pensamento de Frantz Fanon. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2020, v. 1, p. 34-48. Avalilable from: http://cejur.rj.def.br/uploads/arquivos/f69bf38dcc31430e90ae368657f66a6f.pdf
- FAUSTINO, D. M.. (2019) Reflexões indigestas sobre a cor da morte: as dimensões de classe e raça da violência contemporânea. (Indigestible reflections on the color of death: the dimensions of class and race of contemporary violence.) In: Marisa Feffermann; Suzana Kalckmann; Deivison Faustino; Dennis de Oliveira; Raiani Cheregatto. (Org.). Interfaces do Genocídio no Brasil: raça, gênero e classe (temas em saúde coletiva 25). 1ed.São Paulo: Instituto de Saúde, 2019, v. 1, p. 141-157. Avalilable from: https://deivisonnkosi.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/ilovepdf_merged.pdf
- FAUSTINO, D. M.; KAWAKAMI, E. A. (2019). Gestão escolar para a equidade racial no ensino médio: desafios para uma educação com as juventudes (School management for racial equity in high school: challenges for education with youth). Equidade racial: reflexões acerca da gestão gestão escolar no ensino médio. 1ed.São Paulo: Intermeio: casa de artes e livros, 2019, v. , p. 81-93.
- FAUSTINO, D. M.. “Vem jogar mais eu”: os saberes e os sabores da capoeira na escola (“Come play more me”: the knowledge and flavors of capoeira at school). In: Márcio Folha. (Org.). Histórias de Tio Alípio e Kauê: O Beabá do Berimbau. 2ed.São Paulo: Ciclo Contínuo, 2018, v. , p. 149-152.
- FAUSTINO, D. M.. Frantz Fanon a negritude e o ativismo negro brasileiro do final da década de 1950 (Frantz Fanon the blackness and black Brazilian activism of the late 1950s). In: Mariana Chaguri; Mário Medeiros. (Org.). Rumos do Sul: Periferia e pensamento social. 1ed.São Paulo: Alameda, 2018, v. 1, p. 259-272.
- FAUSTINO, D. M.. Memórias de um MC: relatos de uma caminhada a partir do hip hop militante (Memories of a rapper: reports of a walk from militant hip hop.). In: BERTELLI, Giordano B.; FELTRAN, Gabriel. (Org.). Vozes à margem: periferias, estética e política. 1ed.São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2017, v. , p. 233-258. Avalilable from: https://deivisonnkosi.com.br/artigos/educacao/memorias-de-um-mc-relatos-de-uma-caminhada-a-partir-do-hip-hop-militante/
- FAUSTINO, D. M.; OLIVEIRA, L.M. . A formação continuada para educação das relações étnico-raciais: um relato de experiência (Continued training for the education of ethnic-racial relations: an experience report). In: José Carlos Gomes da Silva; Melvina Araújo. (Org.). Cultura afro-brasileira: temas fundamentais em ensino, pesquisa e extensão. 1ed.São Paulo: Alameda, 2017, v. 1, p. 61-83. Avalilable from: https://deivisonnkosi.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Cultura_afro-brasileira_temas_fundamenta.pdf
- FAUSTINO, D. M.. Frantz Fanon, a branquitude e a racialização: aportes introdutórios a uma agenda de pesquisas (Frantz Fanon, whiteness and racialization: introductory contributions to a research agenda). In: Tânia M. P. Müller; Lourenço Cardoso. (Org.). Branquitude: Estudos sobre a Identidade Branca no Brasil. 1ed.Curitiba: Appris, 2017, v. 1, p. 210-241
- FAUSTINO, D. M.. A dignidade esfolada no asfalto: “nós” (os “cidadãos de bem”) e “eles” (os “outros”) na agenda de violência militarizada. (Dignity skinned on the asphalt: “we” (the “good citizens”) and “them” (the “others”) on the agenda of militarized violence ) Desmilitarização da polícia e da política: uma resposta que virá das ruas. 1ed.Uberlândia: Pueblo, 2015, v. 1, p. 72-104.
FAUSTINO, D. M.; MONTEIRO, C. R. . O projeto Aprender Saúde – Humanização e Equidade em Saúde e o fortalecimento do controle social das políticas de saúde (The Aprender Saúde project – Humanization and Equity in Health and the strengthening of social control of health policies). In: Celso Ricardo Monteiro; Paula Oliveira e Sousa; Luís Eduardo Batista. (Org.). Religiões Afro-Brasileiras, Políticas de Saúde e a Resposta à Epidemia de AIDS. 1ed.São Paulo: Centro de Referência e Treinamento DST/Aids-SP, 2014, v. 1, p. 139-149. - FAUSTINO, D. M.. O pênis sem o falo: algumas reflexões sobre homens negros, masculinidades e racismo (The penis without the phallus: some reflections on black men, masculinities and racism.). In: Eva Alterman Blay. (Org.). Feminismos e masculinidades: novos caminhos para enfrentar a violência contra a mulher. 1ed.São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2014, v. 1, p. 75-104. Avalilable from: http://www.kilombagem.net.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/O-PÊNIS-SEM-O-FALO-DEIVISON-NKOSI.pdf
- FAUSTINO, D. M.. Equidade racial nas políticas em saúde (Racial equity in health policies.). In: Luiz Eduardo Batista; Jurema Werneck; Fernanda Lopes. (Org.). Equidade racial nas políticas em saúde. 1ed.Petrópolis: DP et Alii Editora Ltda, 2012, v. 3, p. 98-120. Avalilable from: http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/saude_populacao_negra.pdf
- 2021: Colonialism, racialization and psychic suffering in Frantz Fanon
- 2021: Café Filosófico (CPFL – TV cultura): Me, the other and us (com Eliane Silva Costa)
- 2021: Frantz Fanon and African Political Philosophy
- 2021: Racism and Development: an open question (Durban +20)
- 2020: (LECTURE IN ENGLISH) – Social Work in the fight against oppression around the world (Racism and Covid-19 in Brazil)
- 2020: The psychiatric writings of Frantz Fanon
- 2020: A disputa em torno de Frantz Fanon (Book launch: the theory and politics of contemporary fanonisms):
- 2020: Theoretical bases of Frantz Fanon
- 2020: racism and colonial malaise (Unbehagen)
- 2020: Racism and the production of knowledge in modern times
- 2020: Anti-racism and decolonization: ideas for building a new world
- 2020: Frantz Fanon and psychoanalysis: open and unfinished dialogues
- 2020: Open Class # 2 Peripheries, resistance and mental health
- 2020: 14th session “Philosophical Windows”: theoretical dialogues from Frantz Fanon 2019: Psychology, identity and blackness
- 2020: The Formation of Subjectivity from FRANTZ FANON.
- 2020: The philosophical theater of Frantz Fanon
- 2020: Black protagonism in the unveiling of whiteness
- 2020: Chat: Frantz Fanon, visual representation and theater
- 2020: Colonialism and digital racism and the invasion of privacy
- 2020: Psychic Suffering, Mental Health and Racism (Seventh class of the free and open course “Anti-racist Movements, Marxism and Social Work”)
- 2019: Frantz Fanon and Pan-Africanism
- 2019: Cultural colonialism
- 2019: “concerning violence: Frantz Fanon and politics as subversion”
- 2018: Essay on a desalienação do negro (Frantz Fanon)
- 2015: Introduction to the thought of Frantz Fanon
[1] En. = Published in English, Pt. = Published in Portuguese and Sp. = Spanish